
Platinean History: Border, Immigration and Patrimony | E-BOOK

Autor: Maria Medianeira Padoin (Organizadora)
Categoria: eBooks
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 303
Editora: Oikos

This book brings together articles authored by Brazilian and foreign researchers who have been working on various themes and study objects within the CNPq/UFSM/Brazil Research Group: Platinean History: Society, Power and Institutions and emerges as a direct product of the research experiences developed within the space of interaction and exchange of knowledge which this group has propitiated. With the present work, we seek to invite the reader to know some of the research results of the Platinean History Group, whose genesis strengthens the importance of joint work between doctors, masters and undergraduate students in a space experienced through a constant construction of ideas, reflections and knowledge production.
ISBN 978-65-86578-91-1
E-book com download grátis
